Identify what or who the picture is. Each correct answer will be notched a crownie. And yes, you better give me all three connections for the coveted crownie!
The rest will follow.
If you have a picture you'd like to feature in this quiz, please mail it to me, with a short write up about it. You see, there's a very good chance I won't have a clue who it is.
Alfred Molina
a) he played Dr.octopus in spiderman .both spider and octopus are 8 legged.
b) Mo Lina
c) Batman's ??
Well, you said it. Batman's butler is Alfred. One up on the Quiz God. Yay! I'll give it to you.
a trivia 4 uber. alfred molna plays a small role in raiders of the lost arc too.
Yep. I found that out too, on the wiki page. Don't know molina any other way. Tnks.
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