I'll be generous and give this to you, but in future follow the rules, properly, and write me the answers to all the clues, alongwith the final answer.
Identify what or who the picture is. Each correct answer will be notched a crownie. And yes, you better give me all three connections for the coveted crownie!
The rest will follow.
If you have a picture you'd like to feature in this quiz, please mail it to me, with a short write up about it. You see, there's a very good chance I won't have a clue who it is.
Its Matt Groening. Creator of The Simpsons. Dull as in not glossy which could mean comics or plain paper and he is the author of Futurama O Rama.
I'll be generous and give this to you, but in future follow the rules, properly, and write me the answers to all the clues, alongwith the final answer.
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