Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Überpix #14

Überclue (a): Idiocracy
Überclue (b): Everybody loves Raymond

The crownie goes to the undisputed leader of Überpix, Anonymouse.


Jayakanthan said...

This is Scott Adams (Dilbert)
a, idiocracy, because of the cynical world view of dilbert, and probably he coined the word for some concept in his strip. the movie also has a large amount of dilbert style humour I hear. he has coined a word called confusopoly, so might be a parallel there.
b, raymond is his middle name.
c, QWERTYitis is another word that he has coined.

Subramaniam Avinash said...

Congrats. The 'Idiocracy' connection is a tad more obtuse. The maker of Idiocracy, Mike Judge, made another film called 'Office Space'. And office spaces is what Dilbert-style humour is all about. Should I give you the crownie? Ah well, okay.

vinoo said...

missed dat one.